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Anna Halynski

"Getting 90 K in my pipeline in 90 days felt unrealistic, but I jumped in anyway.

It was not long before I began to feel excited and I fell in love with the tracking system and coaching videos, which inspired me.

Once my pipeline started to grow, it was like the domino effect and by the end of the 90 days, I had 224K in my pipeline!"

Chris Hamel

"I had only been coaching with Monica for a couple of months before I left a team and became a solo agent.

As a result of Monica’s coaching, guidance, and support, I exceeded my yearly income goal for the first time ever!"

Angela McAndrews

"I didn't think I could get 90 K in my pipeline in 90 days, but I signed up for the program anyway. Then, my pipeline exploded and I hit 90 K by day 60 and $113K on day 90!

That didn't even include the three listings I received within 3 days of the program ending! I’ve never had this much business and I even hired my first buyer's agent. This experience was truly life-changing!"

Ali Godwin

"Monica has been so instrumental in helping me sort out operations, systems, and concrete tasks.

My time management has improved tremendously and she has been instrumental in building my team and moving them team forward as we grow, identifying key roles and duties assigned to those roles in terms of growing a successful team.

Monica is such an asset to have as a coach.. I’m indebted to her."

Carol Kaufman

"I can’t say enough about the 90 K in 90 Day program. Just having a daily and weekly plan made such huge difference in my business and my personal life. Having Coach Monica available to answer questions, brainstorm my challenges, provide direction and accountability was reassuring and so helpful! I have never been this intentional with my time and my business.

By the end of the 90 days, I had 124K in my pipeline! My habits, routines and consistency have been dramatically changed!"

Mick Bodino

"I am not new to Real Estate but a first-time coaching client, with 16 years in the business. Monica is amazing. We immediately connected on faith, wellness, and her coaching style. She was able to quickly zero in on what needed to happen to streamline, improve and increase my business, leverage, and systems, which has allowed me more balance while reaching my goals.

I am looking forward to the rest of our journey together."